There are some other methods in the adjoe SDK which you might find helpful.
Returns the internal version code of the adjoe SDK, for example 17.
Returns the version name of the adjoe SDK, for example 1.2.0.
Returns true if the user has accepted the adjoe TOS and false otherwise.
Payout via SDK
The following information on SDK-side reward handling is only relevant for your integration if you cannot use Server-to-Server Payout. Do not implement these functions if you already successfully followed the steps in the Payout section - it could trigger error messages and unexpected behaviour.
If you cannot handle the payout requests via an endpoint on your server, we can also handle the reward payouts inside the SDK itself.
To pay out the rewards that the user has collected from partner apps directly in the SDK, call
try {
Adjoe.doPayout(context, new AdjoePayoutListener() {
public void onPayoutExecuted(int rewards) {
// successfully paid out 'rewards' rewards
public void onPayoutError(AdjoePayoutError adjoePayoutError) {
// an error occurred while paying out the rewards
// get information about why it failed
// 'reason' is one of
// - AdjoePayoutError.UNKNOWN
// - AdjoePayoutError.NOT_ENOUGH_COINS
// - AdjoePayoutError.TOS_NOT_ACCEPTED
int reason = adjoePayoutError.getReason();
// if available, get more information about the error
if (error.getException() != null) {
} catch(AdjoeNotInitializedException e) {
// make sure to initialize the adjoe SDK first
try {
Adjoe.doPayout(context, object: AdjoePayoutListener {
override fun onPayoutExecuted(coins: Int) {
// successfully paid out 'coins' coins
override fun onPayoutError(adjoePayoutError: AdjoePayoutError) {
// an error occurred while paying out the coins
// get information about why it failed
// 'reason' is one of
// - AdjoePayoutError.UNKNOWN
// - AdjoePayoutError.NOT_ENOUGH_COINS
// - AdjoePayoutError.TOS_NOT_ACCEPTED
val reason = adjoePayoutError.reason
// if available, get more information about the error
if (error.exception != null) {
} catch(e: AdjoeNotInizializedException) {
// make sure to initialize the adjoe SDK first
This method always pays out all rewards which the user has collected, i.e. the value of AdjoeRewardResponse.getAvailablePayoutCoins().
If the user has not accepted the adjoe Terms of Service yet, this operation will fail and reason will be equal to AdjoePayoutError.TOS_NOT_ACCEPTED. You might want to forward to Playtime again so that the user can accept the adjoe Terms of Service. This operation will also fail with reason equal to AdjoePayoutError.UNKNOWN if the user is blocked by the adjoe services.
Adjoe Parameters
You can pass additional UA and placement parameters when you pay out the rewards:
Sometimes, it can happen that the latest rewards haven't been processed yet by the server when you pay out. In this case, the onPayoutError function would be invoked with reason equal to AdjoePayoutError.NOT_ENOUGH_COINS. To overcome this, you can implement a retry mechanism for the payout, for example with an exponential backoff.
private static final long PAYOUT_RETRY_BASE = 2000;
private static final long PAYOUT_RETRY_MULTIPLIER = 2;
private static final int MAX_PAYOUT_RETRIES = 5;
private static final Handler ADJOE_PAYOUT_HANDLER = new Handler();
public void doAdjoePayout() {
private void doAdjoePayoutInternal(int times) {
if (times < 0 || times >= MAX_PAYOUT_RETRIES) {
// the payout has failed too often, which means that the user has no coins
// you should handle this case properly
Adjoe.doPayout(context, new AdjoePayoutListener() {
public void onPayoutExecuted(int coins) {
// everything is fine, coins have been paid out
public void onPayoutError(AdjoePayoutError error) {
if (error.getReason() == AdjoePayoutError.NOT_ENOUGH_COINS) {
ADJOE_PAYOUT_HANDLER.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
doAdjoePayoutInternal(times + 1);
private val PAYOUT_RETRY_BASE:Long = 2000
private val PAYOUT_RETRY_MULTIPLIER:Long = 2
private val MAX_PAYOUT_RETRIES = 5
private val ADJOE_PAYOUT_HANDLER = Handler()
fun doAdjoePayout() {
private fun doAdjoePayoutInternal(times:Int) {
if (times < 0 || times >= MAX_PAYOUT_RETRIES)
// the payout has failed too often, which means that the user has no coins
// you should handle this case properly
Adjoe.doPayout(context, object:AdjoePayoutListener() {
fun onPayoutExecuted(coins:Int) {
// everything is fine, coins have been paid out
fun onPayoutError(error:AdjoePayoutError) {
if (error.getReason() === AdjoePayoutError.NOT_ENOUGH_COINS)
ADJOE_PAYOUT_HANDLER.postDelayed(object:Runnable {
public override fun run() {
doAdjoePayoutInternal(times + 1)
Further Context on Rewards
You can get information about the rewards that the user has collected as well as about how many rewards are available for payout and how many the user has already spent.
To do so call
try {
Adjoe.requestRewards(context, new AdjoeRewardListener() {
public void onUserReceivesReward(AdjoeRewardResponse adjoeRewardResponse) {
// successfully requested the rewards
// get how many rewards the user has collected
int reward = adjoeRewardResponse.getReward();
// get how many rewards are available for payout
int availableForPayout = adjoeRewardResponse.getAvailablePayoutCoins();
// get how many rewards the user has already spent
int alreadySpentCoins = adjoeRewardResponse.getAlreadySpentCoins();
public void onUserReceivesRewardError(AdjoeRewardResponseError adjoeRewardResponseError) {
// an error occurred while requesting the rewards
// you can try to get additional information about the error for debugging
if (adjoeRewardResponseError.getException() != null) {
} catch (AdjoeNotInitializedException e) {
// make sure to initialize the adjoe SDK first
private val PAYOUT_RETRY_BASE:Long = 2000
private val PAYOUT_RETRY_MULTIPLIER:Long = 2
private val MAX_PAYOUT_RETRIES = 5
private val ADJOE_PAYOUT_HANDLER = Handler()
fun doAdjoePayout() {
private fun doAdjoePayoutInternal(times:Int) {
if (times < 0 || times >= MAX_PAYOUT_RETRIES)
// the payout has failed too often, which means that the user has no coins
// you should handle this case properly
Adjoe.doPayout(context, object:AdjoePayoutListener() {
fun onPayoutExecuted(coins:Int) {
// everything is fine, coins have been paid out
fun onPayoutError(error:AdjoePayoutError) {
if (error.getReason() === AdjoePayoutError.NOT_ENOUGH_COINS)
ADJOE_PAYOUT_HANDLER.postDelayed(object:Runnable {
public override fun run() {
doAdjoePayoutInternal(times + 1)
This operation will fail if the user has not accepted the adjoe Terms of Service or is blocked by the adjoe services.
UA Parameters
You can pass additional UA and placement parameters when you request the rewards: