Initialize the SDK

You must initialize the adjoe SDK before you can use any of its features. To do this, call Adjoe.init(_sdkHash) when your app is starting.

The init method will return a Future<void> which succeeds when the SDK has been initialized successfully and fails with an error when the initialization fails.

After one successful initialization all following calls to Adjoe.Init the returned Future will immediately succeed until your app is removed from the heap.

Best practices for the SDK initialization:

  • Initialize early: You should initialize the SDK as soon as possible after your app starts to make sure that all adjoe features are available when you want to use them.

  • Initialize regularly: For the best user experience, we highly recommend to call this method every time your app comes to the foreground. This should not be noticeable in your app's performance.

  • Initialization triggers: Good places to call this method are the app start and in the didChangeAppLifecycleState method.


import 'package:adjoe/adjoe.dart';
import 'package:adjoe/gender.dart';
import 'package:adjoe/options.dart';
import 'package:adjoe/params.dart';
import 'package:adjoe/user_profile.dart';

void initializeAdjoe() {
  Adjoe.init(sdkHash, options).then((_) {
    print('Init finished successful');
  }, onError: (err) {
    print('Init failed: $err');

The parameters to this call are as follows:

  • String sdkHash: Your adjoe SDK hash.

  • AdjoeOptions options: An object to pass additional options to the adjoe SDK when initializing. This parameter is optional and you can call Adjoe.init(String) instead.

You can create an AdjoeOptions object in the following way:

AdjoeOptions options = new AdjoeOptions()
  ..userId = 'user_id'
  ..applicationProcessName = 'name'
  ..params = params;
  ..userProfile = (new AdjoeUserProfile()
    ..birthday = birthday
    ..gender = gender;
  • String userId: A custom identifier that you wish to assign to this user. If you don't have an identifier for your user already, the adjoe SDK will generate one. You can then access it by calling Adjoe.getUserId(Context).

  • String applicationProcessName: A custom identifier that you will need to set if you manually set/change the android.process for the application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml.

  • AdjoeParams params: A table containing User Acquisition and Playtime placement parameters.

  • AdjoeUserProfile userProfile: A class that holds information about the user's birthday and gender. See User profile for more information.

Adjoe Parameters

You can pass additional UA and placement parameters when you initialize the SDK

new AdjoeParams()
    ..uaNetwork = 'network'
    ..uaChannel = 'channel'
    ..uaSubPublisherCleartext = 'cleartext'
    ..haSubPublisherEncrypted = 'encrypted'
    ..placement = 'placement'

The IsInitialized method

To check whether the SDK is initialized you can call Adjoe.isInitialized(). This will return true if the SDK is initialized and false otherwise. However, you should not condition calling init on the result of isInitialized because the SDK will do some checks on its own. You should not do something like the following as it can lead to bad user experience:

void initializeAdjoe() {
    if (!Adjoe.isInitialized()) {
        Adjoe.init(sdkHash, options);

Instead, just call init without checking for isInitialized. You can however use isInitialized e.g. for debugging or to check whether the SDK is initialized before calling other methods of the SDK like requestRewards.

Last updated