Setting up the SDK

Before integrating

Check our "known issues" section if you encounter any integration issue.

Before you can integrate and test the SDK, you must request an SDK hash and set up your devices for testing.

Requesting the SDK hash

The SDK hash is a 32 character hexadecimal string (e.g. 1234567890abcdefgh1234567890abcd). It uniquely identifies your app to the adjoe SDK and must therefore be kept secret. You can obtain it by requesting it from your adjoe contact person.

Setting up test devices

IMPORTANT: This step must be executed before the SDK is initialized for the first time on the affected device! Note that you can always add more devices as test devices in the future, but only if you haven't initialized the SDK on the device before.

To easily test your integration of the adjoe SDK on a certain device, you can set it up as a test device. This device will then receive more apps to install and the rewards are reached faster, making it less cumbersome for you to test the integration.

To set up a device as a test device for adjoe, simply send the device's Google Advertising ID to your adjoe contact person and wait for the confirmation. You can obtain the Google Advertising ID (GAID) of your device by going to Settings > Google > Ads > My Ad-ID.

Note: When you reset the GAID, you must again register the device as a test device with the new GAID.

Add the SDK to your app

Download the latest version of the adjoe SDK for Unity here: adjoe_sdk_android_unity_1.5.0.unitypackage.

Add the adjoe SDK to your app by clicking Assets > Import package > Custom package.... Select adjoe's .unitypackage, click Open and then Import. This will load the adjoe SDK into Assets/Adjoe.

Play Services Resolver

If your project uses the Play Services Resolver, you can download a version of the adjoe SDK which is compatible wit the Play Services Resolver here: adjoe_sdk_android_unity_1.5.0_psr.unitypackage. It contains only the source code and the AdjoeDependencies.xml file specifying the adjoe SDK. The .unitypackage without _psr can be used without the Play Services Resolver as it contains the AAR files for all required dependencies.

Last updated