User Ad Data Report API
The adjoe User Ad Data Report API allows publishers to request user data reports. The required parameter for using this API is the SSP API Token
, which you can obtain from your adjoe Account Manager.
There are two steps to using the User Ad Data Report API:
Get the Report URL: Use your
to request a URL.Download the Report: Access the URL to obtain your report.
Step 1: Obtain the Report URL
Required values:
<your_token> - 32-character hex string provided by the adjoe Account Manager.
<your_app_id> - Android package name or iOS Appstore ID. Example: com.king.candycrush
Query Parameters
Reports are queried by date, with only one date allowed per SDK token query. Format:[YYYY-MM-DD]
Response: OK, Returns a JSON object with the report URL
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content: {"ReportURL": ""}
Example Request
Step 2: Obtain the Report
After obtaining the URL, download the report in CSV format. A successful download will prompt an HTTP 200: OK
status, along with the CSV file. An empty file indicates no data is available yet.
Example Report 1:
Example Report 2:
Schema Definition
SDK Hash
The unique identifier to the SDK.
Android or iOS.
Package Name
Either the Android Package name or the iOS App Store ID of the SDK app.
Country Code
2-letter country code. Example: de
, us
, fr
Google Advertiser ID | IDFA
A Google Advertising ID, also known as an Android ID, Android Device ID, or Android Advertising ID (AAID), is Google’s unique device identifier. The IDFA (identifier for advertisers) is a random iOS device identifier given by Apple.
Used by adjoe to identify the user.
External User ID
Used by the publisher to identify the user.
Sub ID 1 set in the SDK.
Sub ID 2 set in the SDK.
Revenue in USD for this user on this date.
Impression Count
The number of impressions for this user on this date.
Data is available daily from 2:00 UTC, covering the previous day's activities. To ensure successful API queries, initiate calls after 2:00 UTC. Access to reports is granted after your Account Manager has authorized them. For example, if your report is enabled on 2024-01-01, you can access it from 2:00 UTC on 2024-01-02. Note: Reports for periods before the enablement date, such as before 2024-01-01, are not accessible.