Setting up the SDK

Our documentation has moved! You can find the updated documentation for all new SDK versions (starting from v2.2.1) here.

Add the SDK to your app

Download the 2.2.0 version of the adjoe SDK for React Native here: react-native-adjoe-sdk-2.2.0-standard.tgz.

After you have downloaded it, add the adjoe SDK to your app by running the command $ npm install --save path/to/react-native-adjoe-sdk-2.2.0-standard.tgz in your app's root directory. This will extract the files from the tarball, add them to the node_modules folder and add an entry to your package.json.

Importing the functions

You can import the SDK's functions by adding

import Adjoe from 'react-native-adjoe-sdk';

to the import section of the files where you need to access adjoe's functionality.

Last updated