Managing Campaigns


The campaign is the entity where you set the ad format and the countries you would like to run your ads for your app. Each campaign belongs to a partner account.

We support the following campaign types:

  • playtime

  • advance

  • playtime_web

  • interstitial_video.

Depending on your strategy, a campaign has the ability to target either a single GEO or multiple in one Campaign Group. For example:

  • Campaign — US

  • Campaign — US and CA

  • Campaign — DE, FR, GB, SP, IT

Once your campaign is created, you are required to have at least 1 active targeting group to advertise.

All partner accounts will require a secret API token in order to use this API. Your adjoe account manager can provide this to you upon request.

Getting the list of campaigns
  • %TOKEN%

    The token is a hex string, which is given to the advertiser by the account manager.

  • Method:

    The http request type


  • URL Query Parameters

    It is possible to exclusively query active campaigns. A campaign is considered active if at least one of its targeting groups is active. By default, all campaigns are returned. Therefore, you can include active in the query parameters. There is a limit on the amount of returned campaigns in the result. By default, only 1000 campaigns will be returned. The next batch of campaigns can then be obtained by making the request with the NextKey from the previous request as the paging_key. The number of campaigns to return is controlled by the limit parameter. If NextKey is missing or set to null you have reached the final page and there are no more results. Optional: active_only=true paging_key=eyJLZXkiOiJhYmMxMjMifQ== limit=100

  • Success Response:

    When successful, the API responds with a http OK status code and a valid json object. There will be one item in Content for each campaign in the adjoe system.

    • Code: 200

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


        "Content": [
                "CampaignUUID": "00b8aaf6-b51c-407f-a680-cfba796779ad",
                "CampaignType": "playtime",
                "CampaignName": "Test campaign name",
                "BidType": "CPI",
                "ExternalID": "abc123",
                "AppID": "",
                "Countries": [
                "CampaignUUID": "10b8aaf6-b51c-407f-a680-cfba796779ad",
                "CampaignType": "advance",
                "CampaignName": "Another test campaign name",
                "BidType": "install",
                "ExternalID": "abc789",
                "AppID": "",
                "Countries": [
        "NextKey": "eyJLZXkiOiJhYmMxMjMifQ=="

    JSON Schema definition

  • Error Response:

    The API does respond with different status codes, depending on the error:

    • Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED

      If the authorization fails, the API returns status code 401 with error message.

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


          "error" : "invalid token"
    • Code: 400 BAD REQUEST

      If one of the URL parameters has a wrong format, the API returns status code 400 with error specific message.

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


          "error": "active_only format is wrong. Please use true or false."
  • Sample Curl Call:

          curl -X GET \

Updating a single campaign
  • %TOKEN%

    The token is a hex string, which is given to the advertiser by the account manager.


    The unique UUID of the campaign obtained by previously fetching the available campaigns.

  • Method:

    The http request type


  • Request body


       "Countries": ["US", "FR"],
       "ExternalID": "my-external-id"

    Fields that are not included in the json body are considered to be un-changed. CampaignUUID and AppID cannot be updated.

  • Success Response:

    When successful, the API responds with a http OK status code and a valid json object.

    • Code: 200

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


          "CampaignUUID": "00b8aaf6-b51c-407f-a680-cfba796779ad",
          "CampaignType": "playtime",
          "BidType": "install",
          "ExternalID": "abc123",
          "AppID": "",
          "Countries": [

    JSON schema definition

  • Error Response:

    The API does respond with different status codes, depending on the error:

    • Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED

      If the authorization fails, the API returns status code 401 with error message.

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


          "error" : "invalid token"
    • Code: 404 NOT FOUND

      If the campaign does not exist.

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


          "error": "campaign not found"
  • Sample Curl Call:

    curl -X PUT \
      '' \
      --data-raw '{"Countries":["US","FR"]}'

Getting a single campaign by it's UUID
  • %TOKEN%

    The token is a hex string, which is given to the advertiser by the account manager.

  • %UUID%

    The key is a UUIDV4 string, which is assigned to a campaign resource on creation.

  • Method:

    The http request type


  • Success Response:

    When successful, the API responds with a http OK status code, and a valid json object. There will be one item in Content for each campaign in the adjoe system.

    • Code: 200

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


            "CampaignUUID": "00b8aaf6-b51c-407f-a680-cfba796779ad",
            "CampaignType": "playtime",
            "CampaignName": "Test campaign name",
            "BidType": "install",
            "ExternalID": "abc123",
            "AppID": "",
            "Countries": [

    JSON schema definition

  • Error Response:

    The API does respond with different status codes, depending on the error:

    • Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED

      If the authorization fails, the API returns status code 401 with error message.

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


          "error" : "invalid token"
    • Code: 400 BAD REQUEST

      If one of the URL parameters has a wrong format, the API returns status code 400 with error specific message.

      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


          "error": "active_only format is wrong. Please use true or false."
  • Sample Curl Call:

    curl -X GET \

Last updated