PlaytimeWeb for iOS

A New Way to Monetize and Engage

Maximize your app’s revenue and engagement effortlessly with PlaytimeWeb for iOS, adjoe’s mobile-games-centric rewarded ad unit. Integrate it within your app, and start rewarding users with your in-app currency for playing advertised mobile games.

Playtime taps into your users' love for gaming, offering you industry-leading eCPM and engagement metrics in return. To learn more about how adjoe can boost your app's monetization, engagement, and retention, click here.

Integrate PlaytimeWeb

To seamlessly integrate PlaytimeWeb into your iOS app, you only need to offer users the option to open the PlaytimeWeb URL. We suggest placing this option prominently in your app, such as in a native banner or button on the homepage. The basic structure of the Redirect URL is:


The user_id and idfa parameters in the URL help accurately identify the user for rewarding purposes, ensuring any currency earned via PlaytimeWeb is promptly paid out.

Additionally, you can include extra parameters in the URL, and these values will be sent back to you through the Server-to-Server payout URL

Supported URL Parameters

To make the most of PlaytimeWeb, to maximize your revenue and provide the best user experience, use all of these parameters for data-driven optimizations. For instance, you can monitor the performance of different Playtime button placements or determine the effectiveness of different UA sources in the Publisher Dashboard.


A custom identifier you can assign to each user. If you haven't set one, adjoe generates it automatically. This ID is necessary for S2S Payouts, thus required. Ensure this value is url-safe.



The Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) is a random device identifier assigned by Apple to a user’s device and is used by advertisers to track user's advertising data.



The placement of the PlaytimeWeb button inside your app, e.g., "Main Screen", "Shop", "Interstitial", "More Diamonds Screen", etc.



User Acquisition Channel. The channel within the network from which the user was acquired, e.g. incentivized or video campaigns.



User Acquisition Network. The network through which the user was acquired, e.g., Adwords, Facebook, or Organic.



The encrypted package name or app id of the sub-publisher app within the network from which the user was acquired.



There are three available options you can pass in: "female", "male", "unknown".



The current age of the user, e.g., 32.



These are optional identifiers used in your backend. They will be provided back in the S2S payout.



See pub_sub_id_1



See pub_sub_id_1



See pub_sub_id_1



See pub_sub_id_1


Accept Tracking

While the IDFA parameter is not required, we highly recommend including it. It optimizes the integration and ensures users are rewarded. This means you should trigger the App Tracking Transparency popup so the user can "Allow" tracking. When a user selects "Play Now" in the Playtime Offerwall, we use a pop-up to remind them to allow tracking.

Test the Integration

  1. Open PlaytimeWeb from your app.

  2. Download a game.

  3. Return to PlaytimeWeb. You should see the game under the "My Games" section.

  4. If you do not see the game in "My Games" try resetting your IDFA.

When a game is downloaded, we recevie a postback from the MMP letting us know. It is usually is delivered instantly. In rare cases, it takes 24 hours. If the app was previously installed, you will not be able to receive rewards through PlaytimeWeb.

Reset the IDFA

  1. Delete the game if it was already installed.

  2. Go to Settings > Privacy > Tracking, toggle Allow Apps to Request to Track off.

  3. Return to PlaytimeWeb and select Ask Apps to Stop Tracking (if prompted), then toggle Allow Apps to Request to Track back on.

  4. Install the game again from PlaytimeWeb.

Last updated